Medical Examinations | Fee |
Certificate of Fitness | £35 |
Certificate of immunisation | £35 |
Private sick certificate for employer, college etc. | Fee |
SR1 Form | Fee |
Solicitors report (p/h) | Fee |
Any simple letter to support Non–NHS information (e.g. fitness to fly. To whom it may concern, housing, social services etc.) | Fee |
GP Basic letter | £50 |
Computer Printout (per page, email free) | £1 |
Private prescription for travel aboard | £30 |
OFSTED report Invoice | £75 |
TPH/204 | £135 |
Copies of health records required per page (email free) | £1 |
Private appointment with doctor (in practice) | £100 |
Private appointment with nurse (in practice) | £50 |
Firearms Applications | Fee |
Fees Payable by Other Authority/Organisation | |
Insurance Medical Reports / DVLA | Fee |
Insurance General Practitioners report | £104.30 |
Insurance Company – supplementary reports | Fee |
DVLA Paper report | £40 |
DVLA Medical examination | £85 |
Solicitors – Forms & Reports / Copies of Medical Records | £60 |
Subject Access Request Free (A fee will apply is request is considered manifestly, unfounded or excessive). | Fee |
Local Authority | Fee |
Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) | Fee |
Disability living allowance forms DSA 1550 forms | Fee |